Here's what you all may have been waiting for (or not!) - step 3. This month's instruction is to add a strip, 10x3" (finished size) to the top of the two previous blocks. Alternatively, you could add it to the bottom. I can't show a photo of my virtual quilt because my big laptop is off being repaired (again, grrr.) and although I have the actual EQ file on a flash drive, my little laptop doesn't have EQ installed on it, so I can't get at it to take the snapshots (no CD drive on the little laptop - it's a netbook). So instead, I've just done my actual quilt a little earlier. I'm going to change the squished, wonky green circle - partly, it needs another colour in that spot, and partly, it's squished and wonky, but essentially, here's what I'm doing. Ta da!